Total War Warhammer is the tenth installment in the strategy and strategy game series developed by Creative Assembly, and also the first installment in the Total War Warhammer trilogy, based on the popular Warhammer Fantasy World in Games Workshop. Total War Warhammer is based on turn based games and the famous real-time battles in the Total War series, and is expected to showcase the authenticity of the Warhammer world. The "priceless" battles between Empire, Greenkins, and Drawf are something that no other Warhammer game can achieve. Game configuration:
Operating system: Windows 7 or higher -64 bit
Processor: Intel ® core ™ 2 Duo 3.0GHz
Memory: 3GB RAM
Graphics: (DirectX 11) AMD Radeon HD 5770 1024MB 124 NVIDIA GTS 450 1024MB 124 Intel HD4000 @ 720P
DirectX version 11
Capacity: 35 GB of available space
Additional note: The integrated graphics chipset on a PC requires 4GB of RAM, such as the Intel HD series.
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